

Rob and Elaine Hartland

Originally from England, Rob and Elaine Hartland have been part of Ambassador since 1987. They founded and developed Bethany Ministries on Cheung Chau where many hundreds of Christian workers serving throughout Asia, continue to come each year for care and ministry.

In 2007, however, they felt that God was calling them to the Philippines and so they left Hong Kong.  They moved to the rural Philippines where they provide much needed pastoral care and counseling for Christian workers in organizations that work with the very poor. These organizations are involved with providing food, livelihood and medical programs; others run orphanages or serve in hospitals or with prison ministries.

Sadly, Rob passed away in early 2023, but we continue to support Elaine as she continues to develop the work that she and Rob began.

Daniel Mak

Daniel grew up in Hong Kong before moving to the UK aged 14. He started coming to Ambassador Church in 2013 when he was back in Hong Kong for holidays. Since then he has worked as a youth worker in churches in the UK and is currently studying at Moore Theological College in Sydney until 2026. God-willing, his hope is to return to Hong Kong to serve the church here.